Universal Design Guidelines Manual

The Universal Design Guidelines Manual is not an Access Compliance Manual. While much has been written about UD, it is often equated with Access Compliance; the two concepts are, however, quite different. The purpose of accessibility laws is to eliminate barriers in the built environment for use by people with disabilities. UD, on the other hand, provides improved usability and safety for all members of the community. The goal of UD is to extend the benefits of accessible design to everyone and recognize that improved usability enhances the value of the built environment for all of us.
Accessibility Handbook for Public Right-of-Way

ADA compliance is required by all Cities and Counties and mistakes are often made either in the design or construction phase due to a lack of understanding of all the requirements. For anyone working with public sidewalks and intersections, this handbook is a valuable resource as it provides a single source of reference that compiles all applicable standards and best practices into a single document.
The size of the handbook and formatting is intended to be portable and easy to read and focuses specifically in this area of public sidewalks and intersections and broken into further subsections. Where many standards and practices vary in stringency, this document compiles the most stringent standard or practice.
The handbook is intended to improve design and construction clarity and guidance to reduce liability due to design error for street, sidewalk, and intersection projects by providing clear information on how to achieve full ADA compliance using only the most stringent of standards.
Security Assessments
GIS Profiler
SSA works with clients to implement ADA access improvements using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and surface profiling technology to capture data, revise compliance status when work is completed, and to help prioritize future projects. SSA uses surface profiling technology to inventory pedestrian features within the rights-of-way. The data captured can be continually updated with a priority ranking system allowing the most severe hazards to be addressed first. Project oversight is improved with a tailored work schedule and instant reports.
Introducing the New Profiler!
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